Prize: £1,000
Closes: 23:59 (UK) 17th May, 2022
Winner Announced: 31st August, 2022
Entry Fee: £3 Members-Only, £5 Early Entry, £12 General Entry
We’re looking for the best SHORT MEMOIR STORY of no more than 3,000 words. A short memoir is a piece of creative nonfiction in which the writer explores a single episode of their life or a small selection of vignettes, connected by a common theme.
The theme for this year’s competition is: Places that have made me, changed me, or inspired me.
All participants can get extensive feedback on their entry by taking part in the FEEDBACK EXCHANGE in our Members-Only Group, as well as FREE ENTRY to our MONTHLY MICRO CONTESTS for a chance to win £100 every month!
How to enter:
Read the competition rules carefully.
Next, buy a ticket. We use Stripe/Paypal to sell our tickets, so you can feel secure when making your purchase.
You will be sent the submission instructions and an invitation to join the Members-Only Group immediately after purchasing the ticket.
You can begin writing and you have until the closing time to submit. Good luck!