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A literary magazine is a periodical devoted to publishing short stories, poetry and essays. Some will also include literary criticism, book reviews, and interviews with authors. Each lit mag will have its own style and editorial focus. There are some journals that will pay you for your writing; but many won’t. The best journals are there to shine a light on new, unpublished writers and emerging talent. So, even if they don’t pay, there are still plenty of reasons to try to get your writing in a literary magazine. We’ve compiled a list of the best zines that won’t charge you a fee for reading your submission.
Here are a few reasons why you should start submitting to lit mags:
Literary agents read literary magazines. Need we say more?
You’ll get your first taste of working with an editor — one of the most important relationships in the world of publishing.
You’ll build a name for yourself. Having a little bit of notoriety will help you with … pretty much anything you want to do in this industry.
Published writers find it easier to get published again. Start with small lit mags, and work your way up.
If you get published in online journals, anyone and everyone can google you to find your writing.
As a new writer, getting a short story published in a lit mag will give you that validation you need to cling onto as you battle with your first novel.
But, you’ll also get used to the pattern of rejection that comes with being a writer. It’s so important to desensitise yourself to this as quickly as possible. Every writer has some number of rejections to go through. Time to start getting those rejections — each one will bring you closer to getting published!
If you submit to a journal that accepts unsolicited writing, the first thing you need to understand is that they will begin by looking for reasons to reject you. They have so many submissions in their slush pile, their first step will be to dismiss about 90% of them. That’s actually not as depressing as it sounds. You’ll be surprised how many writers make some pretty fundamental errors when submitting. Just make sure you aren’t one of them!
So, the first step is to choose your zines very carefully! With hundreds of publications out there, it’s so important to chose the right ones to submit to. If you’ve never been published before, it’s probably a good idea to submit to lesser-known journals to begin with. Make sure you check out their previous issues, though. You still want to choose a mag that promotes the kind of writers you’d be proud to be published alongside.
Every lit mag will have its own style and editorial focus. Check out the website of each journal carefully to find their mission statement, and read previous issues. Make sure your writing fits with their ethos and preferences. Don’t waste time submitting your writing where it doesn’t belong. If they say they are only looking for a certain genre or style, then it’s important to believe them and move on to a different publication. Don’t think that your writing is so good you’ll be able to change their minds!
Follow the submission instructions to the letter! We know completely changing how you submit each time is arduous, but you absolutely must! It’s no good collecting email addresses and simply sending your story to as many editors as you can in one go. If you don’t follow the exact instructions laid out by each publication, there’s a very good chance your story won’t even be read. Submitting incorrectly makes you look unprofessional. It gives the impression that you don’t respect the magazine enough to follow their instructions, and it indicates that you’re trying to submit to anywhere that will take you, instead of selecting carefully.
Make sure you send out a completely finished piece. This means that it has been edited to within an inch of its life and is absolutely polished. If you read your piece and you can still see room for improvement, then it definitely isn’t ready to submit. New writers will often make the mistake of sending out a not-quite-ready story to multiple publications in the hopes that someone will see it as a diamond in the rough and give you a shot. Honestly, you’ll just be wasting your time. The editors receive so many submissions, it’s unlikely they’ll be prepared to spend a lot of time helping you get your story up to scratch.
When submitting, it’s important to remember, you’ll have a better chance of getting published if you submit carefully to one literary magazine than if you submit badly to all of them! But, be prepared to get rejections. Getting rejections doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer, it just means you’re a writer.
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Just received another story rejection? Read our post on ‘How to Deal With Story Rejections’!
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Each issue of 3cents will rotate around a theme, starting with “beginnings” for Issue 1 and moving where the wind takes us from there. We will publish one poem, one short story or flash fiction, and one piece of creative nonfiction together as a mini-collection built around that theme. While the authors get their individual credit, their pieces will be forever linked by a shared tone, theme, style, sense of whimsy, imagery, or any other unifying or complicated relationship our editors find in the craft.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Each issue begins with the posting of three elements and ends with a journal filled with the imaginative ways in which each writer and artist transformed those elements. Our journal is uniquely designed and filled with literature that is thoughtfully crafted. We pride ourselves on publishing contributors from all around the globe. We just might be the best online literary magazine you’ve never heard of.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
805 Lit + Art is an award-winning litmag that publishes debut and emerging writers, poets, and artists weekly on our website. We also publish special online issues throughout the year and occasional print anthologies. We take unsolicited and simultaneous submissions from contributors worldwide.
Poetry, Fiction
Flash Fiction, Poetry, Mixed-Genre Works, Art/Text and Artwork. Tastes lean toward surreal, experimental, ambivalent, darkly lyrical and wildly imaginative.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
aaduna seeks creative visionaries who find refuge and their sense of the world within the complexities and ironies of the written word, as well as those compelling visual images, which are lastingly impressionable.
aaduna will embrace novice and emerging authors and artists who are seeking to expand, transition, or transform the current landscape of literary and artistic thinking. It invites provocateurs, conceptualists, experimentalists, innovators, as well as traditionalists working within the realm of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and the visual arts (particularly photographers) to submit unpublished work for aaduna’s consideration.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Able Muse predominantly publishes metrical poetry complemented by art and photography, fiction and non-fiction including essays, book reviews and interviews with a focus on metrical and formal poetry.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
About Place Journal is the literary publication of the Black Earth Institute. Black. BEI is dedicated to art serving the causes of spirit, earth and society. Issues are guest edited by fellows of the Institute. Themes (titles of issues) are chosen by the editors. We seek pieces that relate to the specific call but always reflecting literature that speaks in such a way to awaken us and help create a better world.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Acentos Review publishes poetry, fiction, memoir, interviews, translations and artwork by emerging and established Latin@ writers four times a year. We welcome submissions in English, Spanish, Spanglish, Portuguese, and indigenous languages. Reviews, interviews and translations are the only areas in which we publish those who do not identify as Latin@ themselves.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Adanna publishes work about women’s issues or topics. Submissions for artwork, poetry, essay, and short fiction are accepted by both women and men.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Adirondack Review is an independent online quarterly of literature and the arts. It publishes poetry, fiction, artwork, photography, translations, and book reviews. TAR was established in the spring of 2000, with its first issue appearing that summer.
Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
After Dinner Conversation publishes short stories (1,500-8,000 words), of any genre, that ask interesting ethical and/or philosphical questions in a narrative format.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Agni sees literature and the arts as part of a broad, ongoing cultural conversation that every society needs to remain vibrant and alive. They look for “the honest voice, the idiosyncratic signature, experimental where necessary but not wilfully so. Writing that grows from a vision, a perspective, and a passion will interest us, regardless of structure or approach.”
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Alaska Quarterly Review (AQR) publishes fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. Although AQR publishes established writers, most of the content comes from unsolicited submissions and the editors are committed to publishing new and emerging writers.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Albion Review is a national literary journal based out of Albion College in Michigan. Published annually since 2004, The Review features works of short fiction, poetry, essays, and visual art. The Review strives to showcase the work of emerging undergraduate talents.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Alchemy is committed to publishing quality, contemporary translations of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction creative writing. It publishes creative translations and adaptations. Alchemy is based in the University of California, San Diego’s Literature and Linguistics departments and is edited and published by UCSD students.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
All the Sins is a quarterly digital magazine that encourages writers and artists to have courage and to sin against staid storytelling. The magazine was “conceived as a blend of visual, digital and written art that takes storytelling to new limits, asks questions and explores the worlds in which art is made. Responses, challenges and reinventions welcome. We also publish regular features on arts-related topics and encourage submissions for these.”
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Started in August 2010, Anak Sastra Literary Magazine is a quarterly online publication which hopes to provide a venue for Southeast Asian writers to promote their writings in English. The magazine also encourages expats, tourists and regional connoisseurs alike to submit writings that share their experiences (real or imagined) living or traveling in Southeast Asia. Submissions from or about any Southeast Asian country are welcomed.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Founded by the New Yorker fiction contributor and Whiting Writers‘ Award winner Rick Rofihe, anderbo.com is a literary online journal that publishes short stories, poetry, and nonfiction (a.k.a. “fact”). Named “The Best New Online Journal” by storySouth, anderbo.com accepts work from previously unpublished and emerging talents, as well as established writers and poets.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Ang(st) focuses on feminist bodies and physical experiences. It is a space for marginalized voices and identities: bodies that are considered outside the realm of ‘normal’ and ‘able’. They publish BIPOC, LGBTQ+, differently abled, and other underrepresented feminist voices.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Angel Rust publishes exciting, challenging, and edgy work in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
In Kazakh, angime means conversation. In the spirit of this word, Angime promotes international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary literary and artistic conversations. It welcomes submissions in English, Kazakh, and Russian as well as translations from other languages into any of the three.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
ANGLES publishes creative writing and visual art by college-aged people with distinct perspectives. Edited by students at St. John Fisher College, ANGLES prioritize underrepresented voices, isn’t afraid to take risks, and takes pride in being among a writer's first publications. ANGLES values traditions but is keen on challenging them.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We wanted to create a literary journal that, from the outset, selected only the best of up and coming poets, artists and writers. In an online market flooded with literary journals of all kinds, we realised something: it's been a long time since any of us read a journal that contained pieces which made us wish we'd written it, where not all the poets sounded the same, where there weren't just one or two decent poems and the rest were filler but hosted a succession of decent, skilled poems one after the other like a series of bangs in the distance.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We want work that is urgent and beautiful, that was written with lightning and a sense that tomorrow may never come. We want work that pushes edges and tells us something new. We love work that is personal and political—political in the largest sense, as in awareness of who has the power and how it is they came to have it. We publish interviews and book reviews and review-essays.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Antigonish Review was founded by R.J. MacSween in 1970 and features poetry, fiction, reviews and critical articles from all parts of Canada, the U.S., and overseas using original graphics to enliven the format.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Antioch Review, founded in 1941, is one of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America, publishing fiction, essays, and poetry from both emerging as well as established authors. Our authors are consistently included in Best American anthologies and Pushcart.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We want something real, something beautiful, something ugly, or something that sings to the far reaches of our being. Make us laugh or make us cry, but we want something visceral. Free verse poems are generally favoured over those that rhyme. Experimentation is encouraged.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We celebrate the best Philadelphia writing on the page, on stage, and in the street; we connect Philadelphians through the power of their own voice. We are seeking strong original work from writers who live in the Philadelphia area, or who have lived, loved, and been inspired in our great city.
All fiction genres are acceptable to us, but we prefer literary minded stories that are dark and psychological, firmly grounded in the surreal, and that make a statement in the abstract. We publish Flash Fiction of 500 words or fewer.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Apogee is a literary journal specializing in art and literature that engage with issues of identity politics: race, gender, sexuality, class, and hyphenated identities. We currently produce a biannual issue featuring fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
In this age of information overload, Appalachian Review strives to be a literary sanctuary for the finest contemporary writing and visual art that we can find. Formerly known as Appalachian Heritage, each quarterly issue showcases the work of emerging and established writers throughout Appalachia and beyond, offering readers literature that is thoughtful, innovative, and revelatory. Appalachian Review considers previously unpublished fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, writing for young adults, craft essays, book reviews, and visual art.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Apple Valley Review is an online literary journal. It is published twice annually, once in spring and once in fall. Each issue features a collection of poetry, short fiction, and essays. Our goal is to support and promote both emerging and established writers.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Apricity is an international multimedia arts magazine and is the University of Texas at Austin’s official literary & arts magazine. We accept literary, visual, and performing artworks for online publication and select the finest to showcase in our annual print and digital editions. We are the successor of Analecta, the previous literary and arts magazine of UT Austin.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Embodying the obsolete word it was named after, Apricity aims to manifest the feeling of the warmth of the sun in the winter in all that it publishes. Established in 2015, Apricity Press was created to fill an immense void in the publishing world. While there are a myriad of presses, literary journals and magazines, many lack the ability to publish multi-genre works, especially dance works. Because of this, Apricity constructed a space where incredible literary, art and dance works could be published side by side, showcasing the tremendous connections between the forms.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
apt is a literary journal featuring challenging writing that combines the cerebral and the visceral. We publish an annual print issue focused on longform work, and our website is updated frequently with short fiction, poetry, and essays.
Bite-sized fantasy and sci-fi flash fiction in 1,000 words or less! We want small genre-based stories that are perfect for people on the go.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We have no restrictions on the content we publish, except that we’re passionate about publishing new perspectives — new ideas, new voices, new worlds, new challenges, new ways of seeing, etc.— a theme that can take an infinite number of shapes, including speculative fiction, experimental poetry, political essays, narrative reportage, and virtually everything else.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Arkana is the journal of mysteries and marginalized voices. We seek and foster a sense of shared wonder by publishing inclusive art that asks questions, explores mystery, and works to make visible the marginalized, the overlooked, and those whose voices have been silenced.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Published three times a year, Arkansas Review is a journal of Delta studies. All materials must evoke or respond to the natural and/or cultural experience of the seven state Mississippi River Delta (IL, MO, KY, TN, AR, MS, LA).
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The intent of ArLiJo is to feature a variety of authors/poets/artists from around the globe whose work provokes readers to contemplate issues, etc. ArLiJo features poetry, fiction, nonfiction and artwork. Payment is any book published by Gival Press.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
At Armchair/Shotgun, we do not care about your bio. We read all submissions anonymously, and conceal even an author’s name until a piece has been selected for publication. We feel that good writing does not know one MFA program from another. It does not know a Ph.D. from a high school drop-out. Good writing knows only story. We accept poetry, fiction, non-fiction and visual arts submissions for publication on real honest-to-goodness paper.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Artifact Nouveau is a magazine of works by students, faculty, alumni, and employees of San Joaquin Delta College published by the SJDC Writers’ Guild. Currently in its third year of publication, it is a re-branding of Artifact (2007-2014). Works by writers and artists unaffiliated with Delta College may be selected for publication for up to 40% of the overall content. We accept submissions during the academic year. All genres and mediums are welcome.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Ashvamegh believes in the power of words. We know the worth of literature. We value writing and the writers. To materialise our love for literature, we have established Ashvamegh as an international journal of English Literature.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Asian American Literary Review is a space for those who consider the designation "Asian American" a fruitful starting point for artistic vision and community. In showcasing the work of established and emerging writers, the journal aims to incubate dialogues and, just as importantly, open those dialogues to regional, national, and international audiences of all constituencies. Published biannually, AALR features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, translations, comic art, interviews, and book reviews.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Assisi’s mission is, first and foremost, to publish works of literature and art that are thoughtful, engaging, and well written/composed. We look for work that examines the human condition, that helps the reader view things from a slightly different angle, and that provokes an emotional response not for mere shock value but rather as a way to open up new ways of thinking about or relating to the world.
Astral Waters Review specializes in creative works of science fiction and fantasy by writers and artists from historically underrepresented communities. We publish short stories, novel excerpts, poetry, visual art, and book reviews by creative people who are POC and/or LGBTQ+.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We welcome submissions of translated poetry, fiction, nonfiction and drama; certain types of original English-language nonfiction, including literary and critical writing; interviews as well as visual art.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
At Length is a venue for ambitious, in-depth writing, music, photography, and art that are open to possibilities shorter forms preclude. As a print-friendly online magazine, we create ways for readers, listeners, and viewers to interact with noteworthy long work.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We are interested in vetting unsolicited submissions anonymously. We solicit a few writers per reading period, and it is through this energy of known and unknown from which the Atlas Review thrives. We publish twice a year in a beautiful print journal. Please visit our website for more details.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Our aim at Atticus Review is to provoke and encourage conversation through the publishing of art and literature from under-represented artists and writers. We seek to give visibility to our contributors by promoting, nurturing, and supporting them, even after they’ve been published in our pages. We also aim to serve and help build the wider literary community.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Our goal is to promote creative artists and give them the recognition they deserve. We also seek to provide opportunities for growth and learning for artists. We host events throughout the school year, feature artists’ work online, and release a literary magazine each fall and spring semester. We accept entries of the following types: art, essay, music lyrics, photography, plays, poetry, and short story (fiction and non-fiction).
Poetry, Fiction
The Aurora Journal publishes surrealistic poetry and prose that is ethereal, dreamy, and explores the dangerous limits of surrealism. Regardless of age, experience, or any other defining factor, the journal considers all writers. The editors encourage submissions from LGBTQ+, BIPOC, women, non-binary, trans people, disabled folks, and other intersecting marginalized writers. This is a platform for writers to break the mould of who gets to be “acclaimed” in the literary world.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We publish poetry, short fiction, essays, visual art and prose poems. We look first for the finely crafted piece and believe in Pound’s dictum, “Fundamental accuracy of statement is the sole morality of writing.” We’re open to all forms, but have a bias toward clear, concise, understandable work that communicates, surprises or disturbs-writing that bears witness to the world we live in.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We publish 2x/year in prose, poetry, visual, and hybrid. Our mission is to support the artistic expression of survivors of sexual violence. We are open to submissions from people who do not identify as survivors as long as pieces support our mission.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We love work that is linguistically, intellectually, and emotionally demanding of the reader. We want literary fiction that grows in complexity upon each visitation; we enjoy ornate, cerebral, and voluptuous prose executed with thematic intent. Writers we admire are Zadie Smith, Virginia Woolf, Tom Wolfe, Charles Dickens, Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, Tom Stoppard, Vladimir Nabokov and James Baldwin. Every piece published in AZURE appears alongside a customized black & white sketch that is devised and executed by our in-house illustrator.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bacopa is an annual international print journal published by the Writers Alliance of Gainesville. Cash prizes in three genres: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Badlands is aesthetically open, publishing work from a broad spectrum of genres and styles. Although we publish work of all kinds, we have an abiding interest in the following kinds of writing:
Poetry and prose in Spanish, and in translation from Spanish or any other Language,
Literature of Place, including, but not limited to, immigrant and indigenous voices,
Work exploring settings, narratives, lyric utterances, etc., that can be construed as a kind of Badlands--broadly understood,
Work invested in the wild.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
BALLOONS Lit. Journal (BLJ) is an independent biannual online literary journal of poetry, fiction and art primarily for readers with a youthful spirit. We see it an important mission to bring the art of literature, and the creation of it, to our younger generation.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The mission of the Baltimore Review is to showcase Baltimore as a literary hub of diverse writing and promote the work of emerging and established writers.
Poetry, Fiction
The editorial focus of Baphash is simple: to provide a quality space for quality works. Baphash seeks to promote and publish writers who are impassioned by their craft, who are excited to join a community of other contributors and to be a voice in that community. Every accepted contributor receives an editor to work with him/her with the goal to ensure the work published is the most intentional of works it can be.
Poetry, Fiction
We want our readers to discover genre-defying boldness from exciting writers in poetry, fiction and plays, literary review, interviews and commentary. To that end, we need prose, poetry and play texts that instantly grab our minds and take us on extraordinary literary journeys. We want you to make peoples eyes open wider and their minds race with excitement as they feast on your words.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Barnstorm is an online literary magazine sponsored by the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of New Hampshire.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Barren Magazine is a literary publication that features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and photography for hard truths, long stares, and gritty lenses. We revel in the shadow-spaces that make up the human condition, and aim to find antitheses to that which defines us: light in darkness; beauty in ugliness; peace in disarray. We invite you to explore it with us.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We want your fiction, poetry, art, criticism—you name it—that pushes against complacent taxonomies and finds itself well off the beaten path. We define ourselves as an “isthmus,” a space of crossings and connectivity, between histories, articulations, media—making of these frontiers a site of play and revitalization.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bateau subscribes to no trend but serves to represent a wide cross-section of contemporary writing. For this reason, readers will most probably love and hate at least something in each issue. To us, this means Bateau is eclectic, open-ended and not mired in a particular strain. Each issue is an art piece: letterpress covers, great design, attention to detail. We consider the company your work keeps. We are also an environmentally conscious publisher.
Poetry, Fiction
Battery Pack only publishes stories up to seventy words in length. We prefer fast-paced, complete stories with a beginning, middle and end. We have a tendency to lean towards horror, but are happy to read in any genre.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bayou Magazine publishes short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from established, award-winning authors as well as emerging writers. Bayou is especially interested in discovering and showcasing fresh literary voices. Bayou holds two contests, The James Knudsen Prize for Fiction and the Kay Murphy Prize for Poetry, open October 1st through January 1st. Prize is $1,000. All entries considered for publication.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We’re big readers, so we admire pieces that make the old new. We also dig aesthetic competence and a knowledge of genre and literary tradition. That said, we admire experimentation and blurred genres as well, so long as the writer brings the heat.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Founded in 2007, Beatdom is dedicated to the study of the Beat Generation. We publish one issue annually with a pre-designated topic. All submissions must related this topic to the Beat Generation.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Believer, a twelve-time National Magazine Award finalist, is a literature, arts, and culture magazine published by the Beverly Rogers, Carol C. Harter Black Mountain Institute, and based in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
In each issue, readers will find journalism, essays, intimate interviews, an expansive comics section, poetry, timely and untimely reviews, and on occasion, delightful and unexpected bonus items. The magazine is edited by a group of novelists, poets, artists, critics, regular readers of the Chicago Manual of Style, and aficionados of print and digital literature. Our regular columnists are Nick Hornby and Peter Orner.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Belle Ombre publishes fiction, poetry, art & non-fiction, including essays, memoir, reportage, comedy, science, screenplays, scripts, biography and academic research.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Belmont Story Review is a national magazine of literary arts, faith and culture. The magazine aims to surprise and delight readers through an eclectic mix of storytelling which includes fiction, personal essay, poetry, and more. We seek to publish new and established writers passionate about their craft, fearlessly encountering difficult ideas, seeking to explore human experience in all its broken blessedness.
We are always interested in new writers as well as established writers in the field of contemporary fiction.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bennington Review aims to contribute distinctive style and substance to the national literary conversation through publishing sharp, unexpected, original poetry and prose from a geographically broad and culturally rich spectrum of prominent, up-and-coming, and new voices. In the spirit of poet Dean Young’s dictum that poets should be “making birds, not birdcages,” we are particularly taken with writing that is simultaneously graceful and reckless.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Outstanding poetry and fiction in many genres and many voices. Poetry includes free verse, haiku, formal poetry, prose poetry, form poetry, experimental poetry, sentimental poetry, and international poetry. Fiction from flash or micro to full length. Creative non-fiction. Monthly interview with a poet, author or artist. Occasional poetry book review. Occasional art (online or print cover.) 80+ authors per issue. Semi-pro payment for five featured poems per issue.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Founded in 2009, Big Lucks publishes earnest, honest poetry and prose through a variety of online mediums.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Although we encourage topics related to the Mississippi River Valley, no direct relationship is required. We are also dedicated to reviewing books from independent, university, and small presses, but not self-published titles.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Poetry (1-2 pages) primarily and some short prose (500 words max) that is beautiful and/or strange. Open to all styles and forms.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Bitchin’ Kitsch is a zine for artists, poets, prose writers, or anyone else who has something to say. it exists for the purpose of open creativity.
Poetry, Fiction
We are looking for poems that vault us to a new level of understanding an individual's true perception, and not one that falls under the customs of a dictated language which only obeys the known, the understood and the repetitive. Be imaginative, not fantastical which is never the same.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
If nothing else, our press is about the heart. Each issue should bring about a sense of connection and matters of the shared human experience. We want to foster a love triangle between the reader, the author, and the words. In reading Bitterzoet (pronounced Bitter -"joot"), we hope to invoke the ideas presented in Anne Carson’s essays on Eros and the Bittersweet. We publish work regularly via our blog-roll magazine and 'bonbon' chapbooks throughout the year.
Black Candies is a literary journal of literary horror and darkness. Here at Black Candies, we’re always striving to create a better platform for women writers, who are often underrepresented in horror, genre, and speculative outlets. We want to create a space where they not only have a voice, but be as gross, dark and unlikeable as they want.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The aim of Black Fox is to publish both established and new writers. We welcome all fiction, but we especially like fiction from under-represented genres and styles, including YA. We are also interested in creative nonfiction, poetry, black and white photography and art.
Black Heart Magazine is an independent literary magazine, now publishing annually. Since 2004, we have been publishing art with heart. Join us as we continue to publish short fiction from writers all around the world.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
A premier literary magazine featuring black women writers and artists. Its goal is to expose readers to the diversity of the black woman’s experience and strengthen the black female voice in both the mainstream and independent markets. We hope to illuminate the new generations and reach back to those whose words may have been ignored.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
While it is true that excellence can be differently defined and construed, our primary definition will be this: Beyond simple obvious criteria such as “well written in a variety of technical senses,” and “original in terms of subject and style,” excellent writing challenges traditions in profound ways, and is radical insofar as it is aware of its own origins in tradition and seeks to expand the boundaries of the realm of discourse of which it is a part.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Blakelight is a celebration and lamentation of the city, of human beauty lost to us. It is the acceptance that both ugly and beautiful make-up that which is human. The recognition of diversity and tolerance. At the heart of Blake’s symbolism was the city. The city with its revolutions, wars and woes. The urban, as a source of a new divinity and romanticism. Ginsberg in his Blake-light tragedy, his hallucinations and visions saw how the cosmopolitan- the real- can be an endless source of poetic inspiration.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
BlazeVOX is a haven for undervalued writers to convene with readers worldwide, delivering the contemporary through books-in-hand and ebooks-in-a-minute. Articles of submission depend on many criteria, but overall items submitted must conform to one ethereal trait, your work must not suck. This put plainly, bad art should be punished; we will not promote it. However, all submissions will be reviewed and the author will receive feedback. We are human too. Please send your work.
Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Here at Blind Corner, our goal is to create an engaging, creative community for people to share their passion for the strange and the unusual. We strive to do this by publishing high-quality, user-submitted writing of all genres that focuses on the intriguing world of speculative fiction. While our primary focus is to showcase creative writing on a quarterly schedule, we are also a home for eloquent, thought-provoking nonfiction in the form of blogs, and essays—all of which will speak to our themes and be published recurrently.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Blood and Thunder: Musings on the Art of Medicine is the student-run literary journal of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. We publish health care-related short stories, poems, and artwork annually.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Blotterature's mission is to merge the creative academia with the underground, as there is value in both sides of the spectrum. We seek the nontraditional mixed with craft, detail, and process. Well-developed with an edge. Regionalism with a voice. Something with political intentions or just there to entertain. Thought-out. Thrilling. Intelligent.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Blue Collar Review is a quarterly journal of poetry and prose published by Partisan Press. Our mission is the preservation, expansion, and promotion of the literature of our working class, primarily poetry, which might not find a place in profit-driven publishing channels.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We consider poetry and fiction in any style. Please limit poetry submissions to no more than five poems at a time and place all poems in a single document. We are interested in creative nonfiction (memoir and personal essay) with contemporary themes. No literary criticism. Though there is no specific word or page count for fiction or creative nonfiction, Blue Earth Review is most interested in works that are under 3,000 words.
Poetry, Fiction
We are a web-based literary magazine looking for the best in fiction and poetry, literature that moves readers and makes us want to keep reading. FICTION: We are looking for literary, not genre, fiction. POETRY: We are looking for poetry of all types, on all topics.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Blue Marble Review is an online literary journal showcasing the creative work of young writers ages 13-21. We are looking for poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, personal essays, as well as art and photography. The goal of our journal is to assemble in each issue, a broad range of voices, perspectives, and life experiences.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
There are no lofty goals to meet, only the expectation that all submissions of poetry, prose, and photography/visual arts are carefully thought-out, thoroughly edited, and sent in by the appropriate deadline. The Blue is a Southern publication, but we do not define the boundaries of that interpretation. That is up to you, the artist, to consider and reflect upon when you give your material that final once-over before you do us the honour of reviewing the phrases and imagery.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Blue Nib is an online journal designed to promote and support new and existing writing talent across the globe. In a time when print media is struggling and talented writers are finding it more difficult to get their work out there the Blue Nib will be a beacon and outlet for the best of poetry and fiction writers. Although new works take precedence, we’re happy to share previously published works as well, with the intent of bringing wider readership to every author involved. The intent is to promote quality material that will engage a wide audience.
Poetry, Fiction
Blue River Review is an online non-profit literary journal originally created by the Creighton University MFA
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Blueline seeks poems, stories, and essays relating to the Adirondacks and regions similar in geography and spirit, or focusing on the shaping influence of nature. We also seek essays that interpret the literature and/or culture of the Adirondack region or surrounding areas, including New York State, New England, or eastern Canada. Ecocritical essays or short non-fictional memoirs based in the culture of the region are especially welcome.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bodega releases digital issues on the first Monday of every month, featuring poetry, prose, and occasional interviews by established and emerging writers. We’re here to give you a handful of essential pieces you can digest in one sitting.
Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Body Parts Magazine is an online literary magazine of horror, erotica, speculative fiction and dark fantasy. Each themed issue honors Eros and Thanatos, the Greek gods of libido and mortido—life and death. We celebrate the vast and various expressions of dreams and darkness, our primitive desires and urges, and seek to encounter—and embrace—those shadowy monsters who dwell in the dimly lit corners of human experience. Our boundaries are few and far between. We also accept art, photography, short essays and interviews about topics and people relevant to our themes.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Body Without Organs is an international literary journal for teen writers. We publish poetry, literary fiction, essays, cross-genre writing, and artwork of various kinds.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Boiler began in 2011 by a group of writers at Sarah Lawrence College. We publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction on a quarterly basis. We read year-round.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Started in 1974, Bombay Gin is the literary journal of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics—co-founded by Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman—at Naropa University. Edited by program faculty and students, Bombay Gin publishes innovative poetry, prose, and hybrid texts as well as art, translations and interviews.
Poetry, Fiction
Bombfire is an online literary magazine featuring visual art, poetry, and flash fiction. Our goal is to provide a platform for artists and writers to show off their work. Posts are updated biweekly every Saturday. We are seeking weird, surreal, funny, spooky, beautiful, and dreamy. Blends of more than one of these are welcome here. Anyone is welcome to submit, from the new to the experienced.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Seeking original fiction, poetry, essays, and scripts/screenplays that include a skeleton, or bones (in all connotations), in some way. (It can be as direct as a skeleton protagonist and as oblique as a passing mention of bones.)
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Book Smuggler’s Den is an online literary platform that publishes book reviews, author interviews, flash fiction, short stories, personal essays, and poetry. We publish new and emerging writers in all walks of life.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Book XI is an online literary journal dedicated to publishing philosophically informed poetry and prose.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Founded in 2011, Border Crossing is a literary and arts journal published by the Lake Superior State University Creative Writing Program. Uniquely situated on the border of the United States and Canada, we're committed to publishing the best work submitted by emerging and established writers on both sides of the border and abroad. We're especially interested in writing that crosses boundaries in genre or geography, and voices that aren't often heard in mainstream publications.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
BorderSenses Literary and Arts Journal is an annual print publication that provides a venue for emerging and established writers/artists from the U.S.-Mexico border area and beyond to share their words and images. We seek poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and book reviews in both Spanish and English from every corner of the world. We also highlight a diversity of visual artists. Translations can be accepted, provided that the original author has consented to publication rights and reprinting.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Borrowed Solace is published twice yearly and includes creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and art. Since the beginning, we at Borrowed Solace have committed to reading each and every submission and letting the words of both established and emerging writers spew forth into the world.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bosque is committed to bringing quality fiction to print. We welcome submissions from previously unpublished as well as published writers.
Poetry, Fiction
Boston Literary Magazine is dedicated to helping writers get published. We don't accept every submission we receive, but we offer feedback and encouragement, and you are always welcome to re-submit material after you've refined it.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Boston Review is a nonpartisan magazine of ideas: animated by hope, committed to equality and reason, convinced that the imagination eludes political categories.
Bourbon Penn is a print and online magazine featuring stories of imagination and the odd. Send us highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd. Odd characters, odd experiences, odd realities. We want character. For us, stories live and die by their characters. We’re looking for fully drawn characters who surprise us with their honesty, complexity, and contradictions. We want mysterious. We’re looking for stories that grab the reader, make them ask, “what the hell is going on?” and then deliver on the tease.
Poetry, Fiction
Bracken publishes fiction, poetry, and art. For fiction, we seek lyrical, character-driven stories inspired by the woods and old-world storytelling. We lean towards literary fiction and magic realism. In poetry, we look for natural-world, and especially arboreal, elements.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Breadcrumbs Mag is an exercise in motivation and shared inspiration, a chance to create when otherwise your professional life might not give you reason to, an outlet to plant the seeds of an idea and watch where they can go — through your own mind or someone else's. Pick a phrase or image from any of our preceding posts and create a piece of your own, no matter the genre or medium, and submit today! Follow the trail.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Breakwater Review seeks to promote literature that doesn’t stand still. A Breakwater is “a barrier built out into a body of water to protect a coast or harbour from the force of waves.” But as a literary journal, we’re more interested in the waves than the barrier. We’re interested in publishing writers of all backgrounds and contributing to a literary culture that also doesn’t stand still, a culture of waves crashing against and breaking barriers, making way for new and exciting voices to be heard.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bridge Eight Literary Magazine publishes work that is fiercely human in that it speaks to the heart of who we are as a collective. We publish pieces online that explore the deeper parts of our natures and have had the privilege to publish great writers throughout the southeast and beyond.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Bridge Ink focuses on young adult creative writers, ages 13 to 18. All genres are accepted with a focus on poetry.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Welcome to Bridge: The Bluffton University Literary Journal. We are committed to young writers- so committed in fact, that we only publish work by writers age 14-24. We are looking for writing that demonstrates virtuosity and wonder, original writing that delights us and challenges us. We publish a print edition in the Spring, and an online edition in the fall.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We’re a collection of independent writers and visual artists looking to explore the (seemingly empty) space between ourselves and the other, whether it be another person, the natural world or maybe even another plane of existence.
We seek out voices that are fresh and surprising, welcoming submissions of 1,000 words or less on a year-round basis. Our writing contests offer cash prizes with no entry fee four times a year.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We publish fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. We also encourage visual artists to submit for possible cover art. In addition, we sponsor two contests, the Rash Awards, with $500 first prizes in fiction and poetry.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Founded in October 2000 and currently published 10 times annually, the Brooklyn Rail provides an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and far beyond. Our journal, in addition to featuring local reporting; criticism of music, dance, film, and theatre; and original fiction and poetry, covers contemporary visual art in particular depth.
Poetry, Fiction
Bryant Literary Review is an international magazine of poetry and fiction published annually in May. Since our first issue in 2000, we have actively sought to expand our audience. We provide writing that is sophisticated, informed, and in tune with the moment. We see our purpose to be the cultivation of an active and growing connection between our community and the larger literary culture.
Poetry, Fiction
Cadaverous Magazine is an online supernatural horror literary magazine. We accept submissions from writers and artists of all ages from all across the globe. Our haunted home features poetry, prose, fiction, flash fiction, art, and photography.
We publish a kind of fantastic fiction infrequently published in English. This fiction, which we would describe as irreal, rejects the tendency to portray people and places realistically and the need for a full resolution to the story; instead, it shows us a reality constantly being undermined.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Cahoodaloodaling is a collaborative publication. Our quarterly issues are shaped by an eclectic staff and a revolving guest editor. We also have varying calls for submissions, based on either a theme or a style, and we love to see how our collaborators interpret them. As such, our issues are ever-changing and our style ever-evolving. Feel free to send us cross-media work, push the envelope, or even suggest an idea for a future issue or feature. We especially love collaborative work, but it is not a requirement for submissions. We are what you make us.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Call + Response is a literary and arts journal providing a creative hub for new and emerging artists of colour. We aim to introduce fresh and creative voices to the world through diverse and original art, poetry, fiction, essays, and reviews.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We are dedicated to publishing Christian prose, poetry, creative non-fiction, and flash fiction. While one's work does not need to be directly Christian, it must be tactful to our mission statement. We also publish fine art photography. We accept work from emerging and established writers.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Calliope is published by the Writers' Special Interest Group (SIG) of American Mensa, Ltd. It is published four times a year with a circulation that spans six countries and nearly every state in the USA. Calliope is essentially a writer’s workshop by mail, providing a forum where writers can exchange ideas, learn more about their craft, and see their work in print. New writers are always welcome. Mensa membership is not required to subscribe or to submit works for publication. Poetry and Fiction submissions are accepted on an irregular basis. See website for current status.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Camas aims to cultivate fresh ideas and perspectives while remaining rooted in the landscapes and traditions of art and literature in the American West. Founded by Environmental Studies graduate students at the University of Montana in 1992, Camas is a biannual literary magazine that remains student-run. Our mission is to cultivate a community of writers and artists dedicated to land health and cultural resilience in the American West.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Canary is a magazine of poetry, fiction, and essays, which address the environmental crisis with its heart-breaking loss of habitat and species. We are based on the premise that the literary arts can provide an understanding that humans are part of an integrated system.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Canopy Review is a literary journal curated by MFA students at the College of New Rochelle. We embrace innovative work with the aim to be an ally for contemporary writing, with an emphasis on emerging voices. We welcome poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and non-traditional, experimental, or cross-genre narratives and styles.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
The Cardiff Review publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, criticism and interviews. Whenever possible, reading and publication precedence is given students currently on a related postgraduate course (i.e. Creative Writing, English Literature or Journalism) or, alternatively, who have recently graduated and have yet to publish a major work.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Our focus is on anything that moves us. We desire well-written poetry, flash fiction, fiction, and creative non-fiction that has a brain and a heart. We are not looking for dripping over-sentimentality. But often, even in the most high-brow of works, there is an identifiable pulse of energy and emotion. Cardinal Sins is not beholden by any specific aesthetic. Our only litmus test is that the work is good. Cardinal Sins is trying to push the boundaries of traditional lit mags. We are producing an audio version of our journal and will be placing the journal on the Kindle and Nook stores.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Carte Blanche is the online venue for narratives of all forms. Published three times annually, we accept unsolicited, previously unpublished works of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, translation, comics, photography and audio submissions. We accept work from late November to March 1st.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Cascadia Magazine in a non-profit publication dedicated to telling the diverse stories of the Pacific Northwest. We’re passionate about crossing borders between nations, cultures, ethnicities, and gender—as well as bridging the rural/urban divide. We seek out quality journalism, personal essays, arts coverage, environmental reporting, fiction, poetry, and photography that encompasses life in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia to showcase a eclectic mix of stories from the people who call Cascadia home.
Poetry, Fiction
At Cease, Cows we want to explore the contemporary, the strange, the big questions. We want to feel cultural pulses, expose mental arteries, bathe in both the sanguine and sanguinary. We want to publish prose with fire and truth. If you’re a writer, send us your best work. Hell, always write your best work, whether you send it to us or not.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
CHA: An Asian Literary Journal is the first Hong Kong-based online literary quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, drama, and reviews written in English, as well as photography and art. It has a strong focus on Asian-themed creative work or work done by Asian writers and artists. It also publishes established and emerging writers/artists from around the world.
Poetry, Fiction
Founded in 2012 in Northeast Ohio, Chagrin River Review aims to publish the best contemporary fiction and poetry available to readers today. Chagrin River Review seeks edgy short short, flash, micro, small, and sudden fiction and poetry that explore the human experience and reveal emotional truth. While Ohio connections are welcome, Chagrin River Review’s readers and contributors come to the online journal from around the world, and we offer quality writing no matter the region that inspires it.
Poetry, Fiction
Chaotic Merge is a literary/multi-media magazine that is home to obscure and honest work from the new and rising artists around the world. If we put all our diverse and different stories, we can create a knowledgeable and authentic portrayal of our world, creating a beautiful Chaotic Merge.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Chapter House is an online literary journal promoting the ideals and vision of the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) Low Residency MFA Program. We publish new work on a rolling basis. While Chapter House is rooted in an Indigenous centered program, we look to publish writers from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, styles, and aesthetics.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We want to read. We want to listen. Bring us the misfits, your experiments—your reprints and rejects. Bring us the old flames, new works, those pieces with ghost of lingering grip. Bring us the words of your pen and the thoughts in your head. Bring to us so that we may know you, and to your writing bring home.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Our scope is wide, but in general we are looking for work that explores the nexus between humanity, spirituality, and life experience. We do not deny the validity of the basic categories of physics, biology, psychology, and the other sciences: we claim only that human beings cannot be fully understood in terms of them. Thus, art.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Chiron Review presents the widest possible range of contemporary creative writing – fiction and non-fiction, traditional and off-beat, in a perfect-bound, softcover format, including art and photography. We have published many well-known writers, but our focus is on up-and-coming new writers. We look for unpretentious literature that is accessible beyond the ivory towers of academia and outside the bounds of religious or politically correct restrictions. We celebrate ecclectism, diversity, honesty and humor.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Your work does not need to be desert-themed; but the general open feeling of a desert should be present in the work. We also publish books by authors whose work appears in the magazine, and do not yet have a publisher.
Poetry, Fiction
One of the oldest quarterlies in the nation, Cimarron Review publishes work by writers at all stages of their careers, including Pulitzer and O. Henry prize winners, writers appearing in the Best American Series and the Pushcart anthologies, and winners of national book prizes.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Since its inception in 2003, The Cincinnati Review has published many promising new and emerging writers as well as Pulitzer Prize winners and Guggenheim and MacArthur fellows.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
We are a journal of brief literature seeking to publish short forms that shimmer. We love to discover fresh poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and micros of all sorts. We also nominate our published work for anthologies.
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
As editors, feel strongly that one of the primary purposes of running a literary journal is to support the work of writers just starting their career.