There is something irresistibly romantic about the idea of living and travelling on a boat. In 2017 Mary-Jane Houlton sold her house, bought a boat called 'Olivia Rose' and set off with her husband Michael and their two dogs to see if reality can ever live up to a dream.
Part travelogue, part memoir, this book explores not just the landscape of France, but also discovers what it really means to live life in a small space with few possessions, always moving on, far from friends and family.
In a world where everyday is different, where challenges come out of nowhere, 'Olivia Rose' becomes much more than just a boat. She is a home, a companion and a guide and Mary-Jane soon finds that many of the strangers she meets share the attraction to a life afloat and understand the age-old bond between humankind and boats.
If you enjoy travel adventures this book will take you on a beguiling journey along peaceful canals and storm-lashed rivers. For anyone who shares their dream of making a life on a boat, there is also a wealth of information and advice to help you on your way.
Mary-Jane is a freelance travel writer who has travelled extensively throughout Europe. In 2017 she and her husband Michael sold their house, bought a boat and began a nomadic adventure cruising through Europe.
'Just Passing Through' is her first book, published in 2020, detailing their travels in France, and marks the start of a series that will follow them as they travel further through European waters. She can be followed on her weekly blog: www.theoliviarosediaries.wordpress.com
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