‘You are only an old ghost from the past, who managed to call herself up, and somehow you got caught in their machine’s headlights.’
From ‘The Ghosts You Call Up’, part of The Ghost House Collection
In every house there is a ghost of something from the past: an indentation in the carpet; forgotten boxes in the basement; a few bricks in the garden left over from the old lodge knocked down to make way for the new estate. Look between the cracks. ‘Smoke or mirrors. A trick of the light.’
From the author of The Elfin Stone and other stories, a finalist in the Eyelands International Book Awards, comes this brand new collection of 22 stories that range from fabulous beasts in 13th century Sicily, to a haunting tale set in the English Civil War, to sinister goings-on in modern-day Central America. Elsewhere in The Ghost House Collection, a loner inherits a cottage on one remote island, while on another a group escapes lockdown only to find something more horrific waiting there for them: A world turned upside down.
Sarah Crabtree has been writing prize-winning short stories for over twenty years. Her work has featured globally in the Penguin Random House Writers’ Academy, numerous magazines and other publications.
She is the author of "The Elfin Stone and other stories", a finalist in the Eyelands International Book Awards 2019 and "The Ghost House Collection", 22 eerie tales reflecting a world turned upside down, perfect for the 2020s.
Sarah has also published two children's picture books, "The Yellow Dinosaur and the Blue Lagoon" and "The Lion and the Magic Storyteller".
Check out her books on Amazon.
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