How to Stay Motivated During the First Draft of Your Novel
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How to Stay Motivated During the First Draft of Your Novel

Writing the first draft of a novel can make the sanest person question their sanity. There are so many phases and feelings that a writer conquers in order to get the first draft out. Impostor syndrome and writer's block being the biggest.

Here are a few tips to keep yourself grounded and focused on your task and finish that first draft.

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Blank Page Syndrome: What It Is and How to Beat It
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Blank Page Syndrome: What It Is and How to Beat It

We all need a little space from time to time; a little breathing room to let the creative juices flow. But occasionally, space can trigger a problem. Specifically, the space of a blank page can set off an internal response that makes it feel like an insurmountable obstacle. That blank page looms before us like the sheer face of a mountain, and we’re pretty sure we will never get past it. Welcome to Blank Page Syndrome - a very real, very troubling issue for many writers.

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